It is free to post a item for sale on Ads are permitted up to 5 images. If you do sell your item we take a small fee based on your membership level, Basic Seller, Trusted Seller, or Platinum Access. You can view our Seller Memberships page for more on what each level grants you and to the see after sale fee structure.
Seller Verification
Before a seller is allowed to post an item for sale they are required to complete the seller verification process. There is a small fee of $1.99 for this and requires you to upload a copy of you passport, State Issued Drivers License, or State Issued ID card, as well as a selfie for likeness verification. The process usually take less than 5 minutes but can be delayed if the information on your account does not match what is shown on the documentation you upload. Once verified you are ready to post an item.
Listing an Item
GunsAmerica allows for classified ads only. For more information on our listing process you can view our How do I post an item article.
Order Received
You will receive a message from GunsAmerica informing you someone has placed an order for your item. You may need to provide the buyer with some of your personal information, namely who payment should be made out to and where payment should be sent if you are unable to accept credit card payments.
If the item sold is a firearm you must ship it to an FFL so proper paperwork and background check can be completed. The buyer will select the FFL they wish to use during the check out process and it will be included in the order received email that is sent out.
For non-firearm items, those can be shipped directly to the buyer.
Once payment is received and clears you will ship the item.
It is the sellers responsibility to know which carriers accept firearms and to follow the carriers guidelines for shipping firearms.