When you were entering your credit card information there was a paragraph at the top of the screen explaining the verification charge, as well as a starred* and highlighted sentence saying “You will be charged $1.99 for this verification.” The paragraph states: In order to prevent fraudulent credit card usage, we are in the process of implementing an address verification system on all of our users. This system will verify that your card name, address and zip match those on file with your card provider. In the future, you will be able to assure buyers and/or sellers that you have a legitimate verified address on file with GunsAmerica and that they can send payments or items to you with less fear. Because you chose to become a verified member, you were charged $1.99. It is a one time charge that you won’t have to do again and is valid for as long as you are a member. If you see multiple $1.99 invoices on your account, the duplicate charges will disappear and you will only be charged once. The other invoices are just “pending” charges and it happened because you clicked the verification button more than once. The pending charges should disappear in 3-5 days.